venerdì 6 ottobre 2017

                                                    BEST JOBS OF THE FUTURE

This job , in a matter of 10 years , will be one of the most popular in the world , simply because we produce a tonne of data at day. In fact , according to some studies in 2020 people will produce thousand of data around the world only in 45 minutes. 

Over the next 3 years , the need for architects and engineers will rise up , also because today (but also in the future) architects and engineers are like the "masters of the universe" . In fact they could do everything from powering planes and driving space exploration to transforming entire cities and the way we live. According to some studies the growth specialisations are: biochemicals , nano-technology , robotics and materials.

According to a 2016 study , creative jobs will become more important than ever , particularly ones  that require human touch. That's why designers will become increasingly important as we inch closer to 2020 , with commercial products and industrial design jobs set to the most growth and demand. 

As companies of the future will continue to create the most innovative and technologically complex product we've ever seen  , they'll need a task force of specialised sales reps - particularly ones who can handle technologically complex sales - to target new clients and drive growth. 

Over the next few years  , some studies say that senior managers will continue to be highly coveted by companies , particularly in sectors that are "ripe for disruption ". According to analysts and forecasters , the sectors that are most likely to experience a major shake up include : the energy sector , financial services ( particularly mobile banking) , media and enterteiment. 

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