Rocca Dragonis ( from Latin ) is a castle made of stone, built between the 8th and 9th centuries and it was late changed by the Aragonese dynasty that was from Spain. Anyway during the Middle Age , this castle belonged to important families as the dynasty of Duchi Carafa. The castle is situated on Mount Petrino in Mondragone ( South of Italy ), it was Sinuessa's main castle, Sinuessa was an ancient colony of the Roman Empire that was covered by the water 10 metres below the sea level around 296 b. C . Today , Rocca Dragonis , is an important attraction of Mondragone and it is usually visited at Easter holidays.
The museum of Mondragone has got different archeologicals collections from the prehistory to the Middle age and it is divided in 4 rooms. The first represents the local prehistory and also olds finds of the Roman colony "sinuessa" ; the second exhibits ancients finds of the archaic age , while the third and the fourth room are dedicated to the Roman age and finds of that time.
But one of the most important thing inside the museum is the " Venere of Sinuessa". It was found in 1911 and , probably , was made by Prassitele , that was the most important Greek sculptor of the 4th century. In ancient times , this wonderful statue, decorated the old house of Marco Tullio Cicerone in Sinuessa
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