Today I decided to talk about the Holocaust (Shoah). It happened during the 2 World War when Hitler, the head of the Nazi Germany, built concentration camps where were killed approximately 6 milion jews but also homosexual, comunists, black people and disableds, it is considered one of the biggest genocide into the history. Today is 27 January and this day is dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust.
A lot of people talked about the Holocaust making some famous quotes, my favourite quote is Primo Levi's quote. He survived into the concentration camp of Auschwitz and from this horrible experience he said:
“I am constantly amazed by man's inhumanity to man.”
from this quote we can understand how Primo Levi is amazed by the horrible thing that a man can do to others men.
These pictures show two inhuman aspects of the concentrations camps: in the photo on the left we can see a group of children, they also were maltreated and killed with horribles ways like the "shower", in fact they were put in some shower where Nazi people used differents types of poisons and children died poisoned, unfortunately a lot of children died in concentration camps.
While,in the photo on the right we can understand how people lived inside the "hovels" in concentration camps; they were maltreated, malnourished and the hygienic conditions were very bad, people died also because they contracted very dangerous sicknesses.
This is a soundtrack of "La vita è bella", a movie who talks about the history of an Italian man and of his son in a concentration camp with Roberto Benigni
This is a video that show us the violence used into concentration camps and how people lived
inside the camps
I think that the Holocaust is the worst event in the human history and we can understand how some people are so creazy to belive that it can exist a "pure race" and an inferior race. But I belive that exists one race, " the human race"and in this race must not exist differences that force a man to kill other man or an entire population.
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