This job , in a matter of 10 years , will be one of the most popular in the world , simply because we produce a tonne of data at day. In fact , according to some studies in 2020 people will produce thousand of data around the world only in 45 minutes.
Over the next 3 years , the need for architects and engineers will rise up , also because today (but also in the future) architects and engineers are like the "masters of the universe" . In fact they could do everything from powering planes and driving space exploration to transforming entire cities and the way we live. According to some studies the growth specialisations are: biochemicals , nano-technology , robotics and materials.
According to a 2016 study , creative jobs will become more important than ever , particularly ones that require human touch. That's why designers will become increasingly important as we inch closer to 2020 , with commercial products and industrial design jobs set to the most growth and demand.
As companies of the future will continue to create the most innovative and technologically complex product we've ever seen , they'll need a task force of specialised sales reps - particularly ones who can handle technologically complex sales - to target new clients and drive growth.
Over the next few years , some studies say that senior managers will continue to be highly coveted by companies , particularly in sectors that are "ripe for disruption ". According to analysts and forecasters , the sectors that are most likely to experience a major shake up include : the energy sector , financial services ( particularly mobile banking) , media and enterteiment.
venerdì 6 ottobre 2017
Body language can reveal a lot , as personality , emotions and additionally a couple's body language can reveal a lot about their relation ship.
According to some studies , when people hug with their full bodies , it's a sign of wormth and closeness in a relation ship.
Quite the opposite of full body hug , a distanced a hug can be a warming sign, in fact this type of hug is more of an obligatory action , rather than a sign of intimacy.
Body language can reveal a lot , as personality , emotions and additionally a couple's body language can reveal a lot about their relation ship.
According to some studies , when people hug with their full bodies , it's a sign of wormth and closeness in a relation ship.
Quite the opposite of full body hug , a distanced a hug can be a warming sign, in fact this type of hug is more of an obligatory action , rather than a sign of intimacy.
A long , loving gaze is a sure sign of intimacy in a relationship , it also could mean "I'm putting my day behind me and focusing on us".
It's a " spontaneous signal of positive recognition". According to some researches a healty relationship contains a lot of these flashes , that let a partner know that the other is thinking about him/her.
Stiffness can be a sign of an unhappy , cold relationship , stiffness especially in the neck and shoulders communicates coldness and anxiety.
Couples that sit close together , are most likely pretty close to each other. Happy couples tend to mantain closness , and often sit next to each other.
Couples who point their bodies in an opposite direction from each other are often unhappy . In order to send a more loving signal , it's suggested to angle our body towards our partner.
Couples who are so in love walk in step with each other , in fact a synchronized step means that a couple in in the tune with each other.
lunedì 8 maggio 2017
This kind of mosaic comes from a " renovation" of the Byzantine art. It's made up of more 1000 tesserae and it was probably created in the second part of the VI century , but we don't know who is its creator ( as other Medieval mosaics). It's placed in the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna and it represents the Emperor that pays homage to the church ( with a piece of bread in his hands). This composition is characterised by a strong presence of lines that allow us to describe each particularity as clothes , faces and physical appearance. The background in gold creates a strong and typical Byzantine effect but could also represent an abstract place. As we can see , in this mosaic, there's a very important attention on the physical aspect of each character ; for example we can distinguishJustinian the Emperor by his soldiers and officers (and vice versa) thanks to what they wear as : red shoes ( Justinian), different tunics (Justinian's one with gold ornaments) , some gold decorations on them and the presence of swords and shields. Finally, we can say that in this composition the Emperor is glorified using an aureole.

This kind of mosaic comes from a " renovation" of the Byzantine art. It's made up of more 1000 tesserae and it was probably created in the second part of the VI century , but we don't know who is its creator ( as other Medieval mosaics). It's placed in the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna and it represents the Emperor that pays homage to the church ( with a piece of bread in his hands). This composition is characterised by a strong presence of lines that allow us to describe each particularity as clothes , faces and physical appearance. The background in gold creates a strong and typical Byzantine effect but could also represent an abstract place. As we can see , in this mosaic, there's a very important attention on the physical aspect of each character ; for example we can distinguishJustinian the Emperor by his soldiers and officers (and vice versa) thanks to what they wear as : red shoes ( Justinian), different tunics (Justinian's one with gold ornaments) , some gold decorations on them and the presence of swords and shields. Finally, we can say that in this composition the Emperor is glorified using an aureole.
martedì 2 maggio 2017
The US Vice President Mike Pence said US-North Korea relations have changed. He said the USA has been patient with North Korea to try and end its nuclear weapons testing. Donald Trump promised he would stop North Korea's nuclear weapons. He said since 1992, the US has worked hard to keep North Korea free of nuclear weapons. He hopes to do this peacefully, but said, "all options are on the table". This includes attacking North Korea's missiles.
Pence said North Korea's missiles are a danger to the USA because they will soon be able to reach America. North Korea said it would continue to test missiles. It said: "We'll be [doing] more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis." It added that an "all-out war" would happen if the US attacked. It also said the US was "disturbing global peace" and was like a "gangster".

The US Vice President Mike Pence said US-North Korea relations have changed. He said the USA has been patient with North Korea to try and end its nuclear weapons testing. Donald Trump promised he would stop North Korea's nuclear weapons. He said since 1992, the US has worked hard to keep North Korea free of nuclear weapons. He hopes to do this peacefully, but said, "all options are on the table". This includes attacking North Korea's missiles.
Pence said North Korea's missiles are a danger to the USA because they will soon be able to reach America. North Korea said it would continue to test missiles. It said: "We'll be [doing] more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis." It added that an "all-out war" would happen if the US attacked. It also said the US was "disturbing global peace" and was like a "gangster".
martedì 14 marzo 2017
Ludovico Einaudi is an Italian pianist and one of the most famous Italian composer. He trained and learnt to play piano at the '' Conservatorio Verdi'' in Milan , from 1980's he started his early music career. He began especially as a classical composer and , later, started to incorporate other styles and genres including: pop, rock and folk music. Ludovico Einaudi composed a lot of soundtracks for some movies as that one of '' The Intouchables''( Quasi Amici), one of the most important 2014 movie. During his career , Einaudi, played the piano in a lot of important places in the world as '' The Scala'' in Milan or at the ''Royal Liverpool Orchestra''. His musical tracks are known thanks to his ''minimalism'', but also for his elegance. I decided to talk about Ludovico Einaudi because I usually listen to his tracks and my favourite Einaudi's songs are ''Divenire'' and '' Una Mattina'' ( Divenire) ( Una Mattina)
Ludovico Einaudi is an Italian pianist and one of the most famous Italian composer. He trained and learnt to play piano at the '' Conservatorio Verdi'' in Milan , from 1980's he started his early music career. He began especially as a classical composer and , later, started to incorporate other styles and genres including: pop, rock and folk music. Ludovico Einaudi composed a lot of soundtracks for some movies as that one of '' The Intouchables''( Quasi Amici), one of the most important 2014 movie. During his career , Einaudi, played the piano in a lot of important places in the world as '' The Scala'' in Milan or at the ''Royal Liverpool Orchestra''. His musical tracks are known thanks to his ''minimalism'', but also for his elegance. I decided to talk about Ludovico Einaudi because I usually listen to his tracks and my favourite Einaudi's songs are ''Divenire'' and '' Una Mattina'' ( Divenire) ( Una Mattina)
venerdì 10 marzo 2017
The Physician tale is the 13th tale of "Canterbury Tales", and It's also my favourite tale of this wonderful collection of tales. The story is about a"domestic drama" and the main characters are represented by a father and his daughter.
Virginius, a Roman noble, has got a wonderful 14 years old daughter called Virginia. One day, a judge called Appius saw Virginia and decided to seduce her . So, with his helper Claudius , Appius decrees in court that Virginia is not a noble Roman's daughter , but only a slave who escaped and his father, Virginius, must deliver her to the court. But Virginius tells her that, to "protect" her honor , he must kill her ; Virginia agrees and his father behead her and takes her head in court. So Appius accuses of murder Virginius , but people start a strong protest against the corrupt judge who is imprisoned. In jail Appius commits suicide , while his helper (Claudius) is forgiven and exiled by Virginius.
Virginius who kills his daughter Virginia
The Physician tale is the 13th tale of "Canterbury Tales", and It's also my favourite tale of this wonderful collection of tales. The story is about a"domestic drama" and the main characters are represented by a father and his daughter.
Virginius, a Roman noble, has got a wonderful 14 years old daughter called Virginia. One day, a judge called Appius saw Virginia and decided to seduce her . So, with his helper Claudius , Appius decrees in court that Virginia is not a noble Roman's daughter , but only a slave who escaped and his father, Virginius, must deliver her to the court. But Virginius tells her that, to "protect" her honor , he must kill her ; Virginia agrees and his father behead her and takes her head in court. So Appius accuses of murder Virginius , but people start a strong protest against the corrupt judge who is imprisoned. In jail Appius commits suicide , while his helper (Claudius) is forgiven and exiled by Virginius.
Virginius who kills his daughter Virginia
venerdì 17 febbraio 2017
Jackie Robinson was the first African-American Major League Baseball player. Robinson is especially known for breaking the ''baseball color barrier '' when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. So, he had a big role in bringing an end to racial segregation in professional baseball; because up to that point African-Americans could only play in the ''Negro League'' that was a sort of racial segregation symbol. His character challenged the usual basis of segregation , so( thanks to his activities and his abilities) Robinson contributed a lot to the development of civil rights movements. Apart from his cultural impact , Robinson had a good baseball career and became a member of the '' Major League Hall of Fame''. He was also known for his activities out of baseball as establishing , in 1960s, the ''Freedom National Bank''( an African-American owned controlled financial buisness). In honour of his achivements , he was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom after his death.

Jackie Robinson was the first African-American Major League Baseball player. Robinson is especially known for breaking the ''baseball color barrier '' when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947. So, he had a big role in bringing an end to racial segregation in professional baseball; because up to that point African-Americans could only play in the ''Negro League'' that was a sort of racial segregation symbol. His character challenged the usual basis of segregation , so( thanks to his activities and his abilities) Robinson contributed a lot to the development of civil rights movements. Apart from his cultural impact , Robinson had a good baseball career and became a member of the '' Major League Hall of Fame''. He was also known for his activities out of baseball as establishing , in 1960s, the ''Freedom National Bank''( an African-American owned controlled financial buisness). In honour of his achivements , he was awarded with the Presidential Medal of Freedom after his death.
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